The Rest of the Story

Anyone unaware of The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood must have spent the last twenty years under a rock.  The book came out with it’s trademark blue cover and sweet story of survival, family and redemption and hit the ball out of the publishing park.  Then came the film adaptation and even though it cut some of my favorite bits from the book, it hit another home run, chick movie, older actresses and all.  All of the sudden, everyone was “Ya-Ya” and Girls Raised In The South until I was ready to scream.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved the book but I knew there was so much the writer left out.  That’s one reason I love Little Alters Everywhere, the story of these characters before they found forgiveness in the first church of Ya-Ya.  Trust me, there’s a lot more to that story. For example, there’s Shep.  In the sisterhood, he’s Saint Shep, the man who accepts punishment from a wife for not being the man she expected to marry.  He can’t give her the life she thinks she deserves or she needs but he’s her champion when the chips are down.  The worst thing you can … Continue reading The Rest of the Story